
[Google Scholar Citations] 

Pass-Through as an Economic Tool: Principles of Incidence under Imperfect Competition

In collaboration with Glen Weyl [PDF] [JPE link]

Journal of Political Economy, 2013, vol. 121, no. 3

Abstract: We extend five principles of tax incidence under perfect competition to a general model of imperfect competition. The principles cover 1) the independence of physical and economic incidence, the 2) qualitative and 3) quantitative manner in which taxes are split between consumers and producers, 4) the determinants of tax pass-through and 5) the integration of local incidence to determine the overall division of surplus. We show how these principles can be used to simplify and generalize the analysis of a range of economic questions such as the optimal procurement of new markets and the welfare effects of third-degree price discrimination.

D-Sitter Space: Causal Structure, Thermodynamics, and Entropy

In collaboration with Eva Silverstein

Journal of High Energy Physics 2004.12 (2004): 061

On Smooth Time-Dependent Orbifolds and Null Singularities

In collaboration with John McGreevy

Journal of High Energy Physics 2003.06 (2003): 042

Clean Time-Dependent String Backgrounds from Bubble Baths

In collaboration with Ofer Aharony, Gary Horowitz and Eva Silverstein

Journal of High Energy Physics 2002.07 (2002): 007

Higher-Dimensional Quantum Hall Effect in String Theory

Journal of High Energy Physics 2002.05 (2002): 037

Deconstructing Noncommutativity with a Giant Fuzzy Moose

In collaboration with Allan Adams

Journal of High Energy Physics 2002.04 (2002): 006

Casimir Effect Between World-Branes in Heterotic M-Theory

In collaboration with Petr HoĊ™ava

Nuclear Physics B 580.1 (2000): 243-263

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