
My collaborator and former PhD student Olivia Quek joins as a postdoc Waseda University. Last year she defended her Ph.D. thesis at the University of Tokyo. Her main advisor was Yasuyuki Sawada, now the Chief Economist at the Asian Development Bank. She also won a 2.5 million yen JSPS grant for support of her research. Olivia's dissertation resolves an economic puzzle related to the rice market in the Philippines. Photo caption: Olivia (left) meets with a rice trader in Laguna province of the Philippines to discuss the economic structure of the rice market.

My PhD student Huan (Chris) Wang wins a JSPS scholarship plus a 2.1 million yen research fund. Congratulations!

My former RA Fangyuan Yi joins the Economics PhD program at Princeton University! Congratulations!

My former RA Yue Wu joins the Finance PhD program at the London School of Economics! Congratulations!

Interestingly, I have never met Yue in person. She started working for me as an RA remotely when she was an undergraduate at Renmin University.

My collaborator and former RA Akira Ishide joins the Economics PhD program at the University of California, Los Angeles, after previously having won the Fulbright Scholarship and studying at Northwestern Univeristy!Congratulations!
My collaborator and former RA Shogo Sakabe joins the Economics PhD program at Columbia University, after having won the Nakajima Foundation Scholarship! Congratulations!
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